时间:2019-12-24 点击: 次 来源:不详 作者:佚名 - 小 + 大
![]() 时代新象——2019 中国·景德镇 “陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展 ![]() 景德镇历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是中外著名的瓷都,拥有两千年的冶陶史、一千年的官窑史、六百年的御窑史,留下了大量丰厚而独特的陶瓷文化遗存。景德镇是国务院首批公布的历史文化名城, “全球创意城市网络成员”,并荣获“世界手工艺与民间艺术之都”称号,是一座有历史、有文化、有故事的城市。 With its long history and profound cultural heritage, Jingdezhen is a well-known porcelain capital both at home and abroad。 It has a history of two thousand years of pottery making, a thousand years of official ware making and six hundred years of imperial ware making, leaving a great amount of unique ceramic cultural remains。 (Jingdezhen) is one of the first historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council, “a member of the Global Creative City Network “and awarded a title of “the World’s Crafts and Folk Art Capital”。 It is a city full of history, culture and stories。 近年来,景德镇城市建设在保持传统文化基因和近代工业记忆的基础上,无论是城市面貌还是基础设施建设都有了较大变化。“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展,希望借助“公共雕塑”这一媒介从艺术角度来营造既有现代活力又有人文底蕴的和谐都市环境。 In recent years, urban construction in Jingdezhen has been undergoing great changes in terms of both urban appearance and infrastructure construction, on the basis of maintaining traditional cultural genes and modern industrial memories。 “New Image of the Era”: the 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition hopes to utilize the medium of public sculpture to create a harmonious metropolitan environment with both modern vitality and cultural heritage from the artistic point of view。 本次大展由景德镇市人民政府与中央美术学院联合主办。面向全球艺术家、建筑师、设计师、艺术院校以及相关艺术、设计机构征集优秀的公共雕塑、公共艺术装置、景观装置方案来探讨“艺术融入都市空间”的命题。 The exhibition is jointly organized by the Jingdezhen Municipal People‘s Government and the Central Academy of Fine Arts。 Call for excellent public sculptures, public art installations, and landscape installations is open to artists, architects, designers, art schools and related art and design institutions worldwide so as to discuss the proposition of “integrating art into metropolitan space”。 展览学术活动 Exhibition academic activities 1 “时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑主题讲座 New Image of the Era: The 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition Call for Designers Seminar 什么是公共艺术?公共艺术有哪些内容?当代国内外公共艺术的发展有什么特点?本讲座介绍了公共艺术的概念、公共艺术的类型、公共艺术的发展和问题,介绍了国内外的城市雕塑和壁画、装置,并总结其特点。 Concepts, types, development and difficulties of public art; introduction to the international and domestic urban sculptures, murals and installations。 ![]() 讲座题目 回归生活——文化视野中的城市公共艺术 Topic Return to Life- Urban Public Art from the Cultural Perspective 讲座嘉宾 殷双喜(著名批评家、中央美术学院教授) Guest Speaker: Yin Shuangxi (Renowned critic, Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts) 讲座时间 2019年12月18日晚(星期三) 晚 19:00—21:00 Time: December 18, 2019, 19:00-21:00 讲座地点 景德镇陶溪川旗舰店二楼学术报告厅 Venue: F2, Academic Hall, Jingdezhen Taoxichuan Flagship Store 讲座嘉宾信息: ![]() 殷双喜 中央美术学院美术史博士 Yin Shuangxi Renowned critic 现为中央美术学院教授、博士生导师,《美术研究》执行主编、中国油画学会《油画艺术》执行主编、国家近现代美术研究中心研究员、中国文艺评论家协会理事、中国雕塑学会副会长。 Ph.D、Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts 2 “时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际论坛 New Image of the Era: The 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Forum 演讲嘉宾围绕各自国家、城市或个人的公共艺术创作实践,探讨公共艺术的当代价值和意义以及当前所面临的问题。 The speakers discussed the contemporary value and significance of public art and the current problems facing public art, focusing on the practice of public art creation in their respective countries, cities or individuals。 ![]() 论坛主题 国际视野中的城市公共艺术 Theme Urban Public Art from International Perspective 论坛时间 2019年12月19日(星期四) 下午 14:00—17:15 Time December 19, 2019 14:00-17:15 论坛地点 江西景德镇陶溪川国贸酒店景元厅 Venue Jingyuan Hall, Taoxichuan Traders Hotel, Jing Dezhen, Jiangxi 论坛主持 孙振华(著名批评家、中国美术学院教授) Host: Sun Zhenhua (Renowned critic, Professor of the China Academy of Art) 主旨讲话: 范迪安(中央美术学院院长、中国美术家协会主席) Keynote speech: Fan Di’an(President of the China Artists Association, President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts) 论坛嘉宾Guests 托尼·布朗 Tony Brown 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 法国著名雕塑家 法国巴黎国立高等美术学院终身教授 Prominent French sculptor, Tenured Professor of école nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA), Paris [National Advanced School of Fine Arts in Pari 演讲题目 Topic 论公共艺术的公共性 What makes public art public 内容梗概 Main Content 通过丰富案例呈现公共雕塑从历史到现当代的发展脉络,结合自身创作实践探讨公共雕塑在不同的时代尤其在今天是如何影响及改变城市空间和自然景观环境的。 Through examples, move from the historical period to explore the tradition of modern and contemporary public sculpture。 Seeing how these historical public monuments and fountains in Europe became an important meeting place that bound communities together and how today the public sculptures effect on the urban and natural landscape environments, concluding with examples of my own work and process: designing, making and installing。 吕品昌 Lv Pinchang 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 中央美术学院教授、雕塑系主任、“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展执行策展人 Head of the Sculpture Department and Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Curator of New Image of the Era: The 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition 演讲题目 Topic “就地取材,因地制宜”—雕塑介入城市和乡村 Local materials and Local conditions—Sculptures Intervene the Urban and Rural 内容梗概 Main Content 以中央美术学院公共艺术创作实践为例,讨论因地制宜,就地取材的表现及其意义。 Taking the practice of public art creation in Central Academy of Fine Arts as an example, this speech discusses the expression and its significance of using local materials based on local conditions。 比杨·诺格 Bjorn Norgaart 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 丹麦著名雕塑家 Prominent Danish sculptor 演讲题目 Topic 城市中的艺术让位于社交诗歌 Art Gives Ways to Socialpoetry in Our Cities 内容梗概 Main Content 自1964年起,我就开始在国际艺术舞台上崭露头角,那到现在也有五十五年了。毋容置疑,青年艺术家应该培养对艺术的新的概念和新视野。但是在九十年代,我曾对我的学生这样说,一旦概念进入你的脑海,创作的灵感就消失了。美学和诗意的价值可以以不同的形式转化为城市空间。 Since 1964, I have been a part of the international art scene, that is for 55 years, and of course young artist shall develop new concepts new visions for art, but in the 90′s I told my students when concept goes into your brain, the heart goes out.An aesthetic and a poetic value can be transformed into the urban space in different forms。 托比恩·卡瓦斯伯 Torbjon Kvasbo 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 挪威著名雕塑家 联合国国际陶瓷协会主席 Prominent Norwegian sculptor, President of the International Academy of Ceramics of UNESCO 演讲题目 Topic 花瓶集萃 2010-2019 Cluster of Vases 2010-2019 内容梗概 Main Content 本次演讲要通过图像展示讨论该创意的演变过程、制作/内容/历史的原因、建筑和空间的关系、以及建造这样一个大型陶瓷装置背后的技术。 Talk about, and show images, and the development of the idea, the reasons for making/ content/ history, the relationship to architecture and space, and the techniques behind the construction of such a large ceramic/ porcelain installation。 胡泉纯 Hu Quanchun 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 中央美术学院雕塑系第五工作室主任 “时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展执行策展人 Director of Public Arts Studio, Sculpture Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Executive Curator of New Image of the Era: The 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition 演讲题目 Topic 在场 Urban Revival 内容梗概 Main Content 在城镇更新改造过程中,如何保持城市的文脉与记忆,一直是颇受关注的话题。要深入探讨这一话题,不仅涉及到城市更新议题的很多方面和诸多专业,而且还需将城市更新发展的不同时间阶段区别对待。不同的城市发展阶段,所要面对和解决的问题不同,其更新策略及文化艺术建设的命题亦不同。在改旧更新、拆旧建新的过程中,公共艺术是保持城市记忆和营造城市空间文化氛围的有效手段之一。然而,创作只有保持一种问题意识才能做到“有的放矢”。 In the process of urban renewal and transformation, how to keep the context and memory of the city has been a topic of great concern。 To make an in-depth discussion of this topic, it not only involves many aspects and specialties of urban renewal, but also needs to treat different stages of urban renewal and development differently。 In different stages of urban development, the problems to be faced and solved are different, so are the renewal strategies and the proposition of cultural and artistic construction。 In the process of renovating, demolishing the old and building the new, public art is one of the effective means to retain urban memory and create urban spatial cultural atmosphere。 However, only by keeping the conciseness of problems can creation be “purposeful”。 约翰·依斯伍德 Jon Isherwood 国籍/身份 Nationality/Identity 美国著名雕塑家Prominent American sculptor 演讲题目 Topic 我们应如何应对公共艺术领域的新挑战? How do we respond to new challenges in the public art arena? 内容梗概 Main Content 本次简短的演讲将探讨由于为公共艺术项目的要求而造成的美国的景观变化。我们将要审视这一主题要求的转变所带来的影响,与此同时,我会跟大家分享我解决这些问题所采取的途径。 This short presentation will explore the changing landscape in the USA as narrative becomes more of a requirement for public art projects。 We will look at the influences that have brought on this shift in theme requirements and I will share the ways in which I have attempted to address these issues。 〡参与方式〡 入场签到时间 讲座: 2019年12月18日 晚上18:40 论坛: 2019年12月19日 下午13:40 预约方式 ![]() 进入识别上方二维码 填写表单预约时代新象讲座 ![]() 进入识别上方二维码 填写表单预约时代新象论坛 (坐席先到先得) |